Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weaned Yellowfin Tuna

30 Days Post Hatch Yellowfin Tuna at Achotines Laboratory. Photo by D. Benetti.
Our group, working with Achotines staff,  has successfully weaned several dozen yellowfin tuna larvae now at 30 days post hatch, although continued growth and survival on the weaning diet remains to be observed.  Weaning is the process of transitioning farm raised fish larvae from a live diet (rotifers and artemia) to dry feeds (pellets).  Successful weaning is difficult when  working yellowfin tuna.  Great job guys- especially Richard Kniffin who has put in the extra effort.

Achotines has routinely switched YFT to artificial diet at this age. According to Dr. Scholey, Director of Achotines Laboratory, what happens over the next 30 to 60 days to yellowfin tuna larvae with pellet feed is what is more"interesting."